eathink“EAThink2015 – eat local, think global” is a project for primary and secondary schools of 12 European and 2 African countries funded by the European Union with the objective of enhancing European students’ and teachers’ critical understanding and active engagement in global development challenges, with a specific focus on food security and sovereignty, sustainable food systems and smallholder farming. Several activities will be implemented during the three years (2015 -2017) of the EAThink2015 project, in order to prepare European students and teachers to face their responsibilities as citizens of a globalized society.

As far as Urgenci is concerned, this project allows us to enhance and empower all educational experiences concerning local food systems. It is a great opportunity to communicate on our subject of interest and to present a complete inventory of the educational supports and initiatives existing in the field of education to local food systems.

The outcomes of the project include :

The first kick-off meeting was held at the end at the beginning of February 2015 in Milan, Italy.

> In France, the project is implemented specifically in the Basse-Normandie Region.


If you are an URGENCI’s partner :

We would like you to get involved in the project by means of two different actions :

–     If you have any, could you please share educational material (about local food systems, CSAs, etc.) you have already used, experimented or seen ? These materials must be designed for children from 6 to 18. By sharing your documents, you will contribute to the project in a fantastic way. We would like to upload all documents on our website so that everyone (teachers, facilitators, students, citizens) will be able to download them and use them as they see fit. During the last semester of the project, we are also planning to publish a « Tool kit » bringing together the most relevant materials, this kit will used by teachers, global education trainers and volunteers engaged in educational activities on global learning and sustainable agriculture.



For more information about the EAThink2015 project, please visit our website ( and do not hesitate to contact Sarah Brosset (educational tutor : eathink.urgenci(at)