In English
Balázs B. (2012) Local Food System Development in Hungary. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 19:3, 403-421.
Brunori G., A. Rossi and F. Guidi (2012). On the new social relations around and beyond food. Analysing consumers’ role and action in Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale (Solidarity Purchasing Groups). Sociologia Ruralis., 52 (1): 1-30.
Brunori G., A. Rossi and V. Malandrin (2011). Co-producing transition: Innovation processes in farms adhering to Solidarity-based Purchase Groups (GAS) in Tuscany, Italy. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 18(1): 28–53.
Forssell, S. and L. Lankoski (2014). The sustainability promise of alternative food networks: an examination through “alternative” characteristics. Agriculture and Human Values, DOI 10.1007/S10460-014-9516-4.
Hitchman, J (2019). How Community Supported Agriculture Contributes to the Realisation of Solidarity Economy in the SDGs. UNTFSSE International Conference in Geneva. (15_Hitchman_How-Community-Supported-Agriculture_En)
Kneafsey, M., Venn, L., Schmutz, U., Balázs, B., Trenchard, L., Eyden-Wood, T., Bos, E., Sutton, G., and Blackett, M. (2013) Short Food Supply Chains and Local Food Systems in the EU. A State of Play of their Socio-Economic Characteristics. JRC Scientific and Policy Reports Number 25911 EN, Joint Research Centre. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Luxembourg.
Schlicht, S., LeGallic, T., Volz, P., Weckenbrock, P. (2012). Community Supported Agriculture An overview of characteristics, diffusion and political interaction in France, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland ( )
Renting H., Schermer M. and Rossi A. (2012) Building Food Democracy: Exploring Civic Food Networks and Newly Emerging Forms of Food Citizenship, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture & Food, Vol. 19, N. 3.
Rossi A. and Brunori G. (2010), Drivers of transformation in the agro-food system. GAS as co-production of Alternative Food Networks. In Darnhofer I., Grötzer M. (a cura di) Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty. Proceedings of 9th European IFSA Symposium, 4-7 Luglio 2010, Vienna, Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna, pp. 1913-1931,.
In Spanish
Metodologías participativas para la transición agroecológica ( D. López García & G.I. Guzmán Casado, 2014
20 años de cooperativas de consumo ecológico en el Estado Español (D. López García, 2013)
Experiencias colectivas para comercializar la carne ecológica (D. López García, 2012)
In Italian
Cibo e sostenibilità nei sistemi urbani. Il consumo alimentare sostenibile nella città di Milano. PhD Thesis, Università Milano-Bicocca
La sostenibilità alimentare nei sistemi urbani, in Cibo e qualità della vita, acd Paolo Corvo e Gianpaolo Fassino, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2014 Collana “Gusto e Società”, (to be published in October 2014).