After the second European Declaration-writing workshop in Berlin in September 2015, national consultations were held in 13 countries with CSA communities, bringing together 400 CSA activists from all regions, to stimulate debate and get constructive feedbacks. In many countries, it was the first national CSA event ever!
The Declaration draft has been thoroughly discussed in each meeting, with comments and modifications compiled in report. The guidelines set in Berlin were:
- To translate the declaration draft into each national language, and send it to the future participants of the national workshop beforehand,
- To agree that, at national level, different methodologies could be used according to the countries
- To organize the feedbacks, we would limit the number of modifications to 5 max. per country, but to accept endless comments!
The expected outcomes are reports/contributions from each national network to enhance the current Draft.
We still have to figure out with the European editing committee how to integrate all these inputs to the Declaration, before it is amended according to plan during the next European CSA meeting on September 16-18, in Ostrava (CZ).
In several countries, this project has been the opportunity for CSA actors to organize the first CSA event ever in their countries (Poland, Sweden), and especially in some places where money is scarce for the moment (Greece, Portugal), it enabled people from several regions meeting at last and exchanging about what they have been doing.
In other countries, it was the first national CSA event (Czech Republic, ) and was the moment to create the national CSA network (Ireland). In others where the CSA networks exist and are solid, it was a good opportunity to meet and discuss about European networking.
Everywhere, it is clear that it gave a good opportunity to CSA activists to have a fruitful discussion about what they stand for and how they want to build the CSA movement.
Please read the report form the 13 national consultations (UK, Italy, Greece, in October 2015; Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Austria, Basque country, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal, in November 2015 and Hungary, Romania, in December 2015.)
In Ireland, the CSA activists did meet, on Sept 23rd, but finally did not ask for the Common Ground funds. Though they created their national CSA network that day and formally decided to join the Urgenci network and discuss the Declaration.
In France and Belgium, the CSA network agenda was not the right one, so consultations will happen at the beginning of 2016.
In Croatia, where three different CSA types coexist, it was too complicated to organize a national consultation in due time.