In the midst of global challenges and uncertainties, enhancing economic viability, visibility, and inclusivity, while addressing challenges such as stress and burnout, has become crucial for strengthening LSPA networks.
Because of this, one year ago we started The ViVid project. This Erasmus+ project aims to develop and implement a blended training program and tools for LSPA networks around these thematic pillars to ensure that the networks can be resilient in their endeavour to bring sustainable transformation of the food system, fight climate change, encourage active participation and provide innovative learning spaces.
The project foresees the realisation of a series of in-person workshops in Europe that will cover the general perspective of the three Vs (Viability, Visibility, LiVeability).
There will be dedicated sessions for each of the three components and each workshop will be designed to draw on the existing knowledge and experience of the networks. A final online workshop is planned to source resources from partners and create a participatory space on the URGENCI e-learning hub. Here partners will collaborate to develop best practices for qualitative assessment of networks and a survey for national networks.
The project has three priorities:
- Train LSPA networks so they can better communicate the benefits of being part of LSPA to build more resilient and environmentally friendly food systems. The training will be aimed at improving internal and external communication, so that food collectives better understand the importance of their choices for the environment and climate justice.
- LSPAs share a set of common values. Raise awareness of shared values in LSPAs and strengthen participation spaces to encourage a sense of autonomy within networks, sharing risks and benefits.
- Promote local learning centres and innovative learning spaces for citizens, where learning takes place through direct participation and exchange with group organisers and food producers.
Viability, Visibility, and LiVeability are crucial to ensuring the resilience and sustainability of local food systems.
With this project, we aim to contribute to gather knowledge, experiences and skills, to improve the sustainable functioning of LSPA networks, as well as empowering them, enabling them to actively contribute to combating climate change and fostering community-driven food systems
Stay tuned for more!
ViVid – Apprendre, entraîner et former vers les 3 V des réseaux alimentaires citoyens: Viabilité, Visibilité, Vivabilité
Erasmus project: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000165801