Worldwide Survey on Solidarity Food Initiatives and Covid-19

URGENCI is undertaking a worldwide research on “The state of solidarity food initiatives in the time of Covid-19”. We want to gain a better picture about our movement’s contribution to more resilient and socially inclusive local food systems during crisis. You can help us gather and spread this information by answering the few questions of the online survey :

The form is available in 7 different languages : English, French, Arabic, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish (as of 31 July 2020).

Filling in the form should take between 5 and 10 minutes maximum.

Our policy regarding the data collection: all data will be treated confidentially and will be made anonymous. The use of the information given is for research purpose only. Only those involved with the project will have access to the  original data through a protected network. You will not be recognizable in any publication.Your contact details might be used for further research but will not in any case be made public nor used for any other purpose.


