Our Latest E-Training Courses are Here!
Our four-module training programme, focused on different agroecological interventions in advocacy and policy, is now underway!
This training programme is designed for activists, farmers, consumers, members of NGOs, and those in public authorities. The modules will help develop the knowledge and training needed for impactful advocacy at the local, national, and European level.
The modules are a mix of self-paced learning (no more than 60 minutes) as well as two live sessions on zoom. In these modules, you’ll get to exchange with other participants and learn from experts in the field.
However, there is still time to register!
To join the National module, click HERE!
To Join the EU Module, click HERE!
To join the Local module, click HERE!

Our Central and Eastern European module kicked off last night with an engaging and informative live session filled with a cohort of learners from across the region. Further, our two presenters, Noemi (from TVE) and Mihaela (from ASAT), offered an overview of LSPA and the ongoing agroecological initiatives in Hungary and Romania. You can watch a replay of this session here:
Join us as we explore how CSA and LSPA can become more influential in public spaces!