Food and More (2019-1-HU01-KA204-061205, 2019-2021) is a project that focuses on developing a training and mentoring programme tailored to the needs of the members of Community Supported Agriculture groups. The four partner organisations are TVE (Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete), the Hungarian Association of Conscious Consumers, which is based in Budapest, Fundacja EkoRozwuju, the Foundation for EcoDevelopment, located in Wroclaw, Poland, Ampi, the Czech CSA network, operating from Prague, and URGENCI, the international network of Local and Solidarity -based Partnerships for Agroecology.

The main objective is to consolidate the growing food communities, including the CSA networks, and to encourage their members to be more active in their groups and to be more socially engaged.

The kick off meeting was held in Prague in January 2020 (picture below, courtesy Jocelyn Parot).


A survey, aimed at identifying the key topics to be raised during the training and mentoring programme and in the training materials, was jointly prepared and disseminated in Hungarian, Polish and English.

Several train-the-trainer training sessions, as well as webinars, have been organized in the course of the project. Furthermore, additional URGENCI hub ( extensions have been designed during the project:

The training materials can be downloaded from PRESTO, the Participatory Resource Sharing Tool:

You’ll find all the blog posts published in the course of the project here: