Happy CSA Day!
This year for International #CSADay, URGENCI has decided to celebrate during the entire week with a full promotion of celebratory activities and resources related to CSA and LSPA! Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology (LSPA) amongst our networks are strong, healthy, and resilient. We want to take this week to truly highlight some of the stories, the experiences, and the trainings that help sustain our robust partnerships.

Please join us this #CSADay and #CSAWeek on our website and across our (and our allies’) social media pages to help celebrate and breathe life into our movement!
CSA as a LifeCOACH Film
In one of our projects on territorial food systems, titled #COACHeu, our partners are excited to release a series of films on territorial food systems. Therefore, this series will showcase the expertise, experience, and challenges of territorial food system transitions.
We are proud to premier our first film, titled “CSA as a LifeCOACH.”
#CSALifeCOACH is a film developed by filmmakers Ondrej Sovik and Martin Matej. This film explores the value of mentorship and apprenticeship in small-scale, agroecological farming. To resist the loss of agroecological knowledge, to combat the devastating consequences of climate change, and to inspire the next generation of farmers, #CSALifeCOACH showcases apprenticeship stories from Czechia and Hungary.
In the film, you will learn that the practical experience of farming is essential to a successful transition to agroecological producing. The characters insist that apprenticeship helps to remove the rose-colored glasses some new farmers may wear. Instead, apprenticeship helps to reflect both the reality and romance of agricultural work. Through the process of apprenticeship, new farmers will build confidence and autonomy, grow networks of like-minded producers, and protect centuries of agroecological practices.
Ultimately, this practice will help to pass on the rich tradition of small-scale farming to the next generation.
Mediterranean Caravan Podcast Series
Within another project, titled Mediterranean Caravan for Agroecology (#MedCar), our partners are proud to release new podcasts showcasing the knowledge transferred from local partners involved in traditional and sustainable agricultural practices in the Mediterranean region.
Tomorrow, for #CSAWeek, we are excited to release our first new podcast. This is a story from Mirko and Sara’s cheesemaking farm in southwest Serbia. The Mediterranean Caravan took a mountain road near the Bosnian border to reach Mirko’s farm. This farm, established generations ago by his family, is located on the snowy outskirts of the village. Mirko is a self-trained, young cheesemaker who made many changes to his parents’ dairy farm.
CSA Census

Farmers, members and researchers from 40 different countries have joined forces to launch the first worldwide survey on Community Supported Agriculture. The aim of the survey is to collect and analyse data which can then be used to support the growing global CSA movement by:
- Producing global metrics on this amazing movement for change
- Mapping the diversity of CSA across the globe
- Identifying the common characteristics they share
This survey is being sent to as many CSAs as possible across the globe through URGENCI’s worldwide network of CSAs and CSA networks. The CSA movement is increasingly recognised as a model that can help fix the broken food system and support a global transition to agroecology.
To build CSA, we need to understand it. We must also know ourselves, our strengths, our weaknesses, and we need to have data to support our case.
These language versions are already ready for you to fill! More coming soon!
CSA Activities within our Networks
CSA in France (AMAP)
In France, you can follow the development of the French CSA system, called AMAP — take a look at a recent conversation between Lina, Celine and Florance. The AMAP system is growing and strengthening, and the conversation highlighted the role of regional networks, civil society, other agricultural institutions and NGOs in France, and the invaluable relationships built between eaters and farmers engaged in solidarity partnerships across the nation.
CSA in Finland
In Finland, for International CSA Day, you can explore the activities for the program at Niipala Farm here (In Finnish, but translation available).

In short, Niipala farm is presenting its plans to be a local food centre/communal farm. In this frame, different entrepreneurs would be working on the farm, sharing resources, and working according to CSA model.
CSA in Colombia
Finally, you can experience the progress and growth of CSA and solidarity partnerships in this recent video released by CSA advocates in Colombia. Solidarity partnerships strengthen relationships among communities by sharing in the risks and rewards of agricultural production, and they benefit local ecologies, improve local biodiversity, and champion healthy attitudes and behaviours as we confront the climate crisis.
Stay Tuned!
Remember to keep an eye our on our related social media platforms for more stories and resources during this #CSAWeek 2023!
Happy #InternationalCSADay, all!