Joint letter on the importance and urgency of publishing the Farm to Fork strategy

Together with others, URGENCI, the international network of Local and Solidarity -based Partnerships for Agroecology, has asked European Union Commissioners and their teams to provide guidance and a clear perspective of the road forward, meeting citizens’ expectations across Europe, by publishing the #EUFarm2Fork by end of April 2020. The President of the International Committee of URGENCI, Judith Hitchman, declared: “at the very moment when we are realizing how crucial it is to keep building resilient and sustainable food systems, a postponement of the EU Farm to Fork strategy would be a worrying signal. It would be a deep disappointment for all the citizens who are already working so hard on the field towards a systemic change…”

The full letter can be downloaded here (0,3 Mo) : Joint letter EU FPC_COVID_F2F.docx_compressed
