OUR FOOD – Our Stories and Our Partnerships, April, 17 – 25, 2017.

credit featured image: Gillian Brooks / CSA Network UK National Gathering & AGM 2015.

At the 2016 Nyeleni Europe Forum on Food Sovereignty held in Romania, a collective decision was tnyeleni-logoaken to launch a campaign on local food partnerships. Forum participants agreed the campaign should be launched across Europe on or around 17 April 2017, Day of Peasant’s Struggle.

our food zoltanThe UK Food Sovereignty network recently drafted a proposal that is now receiving Urgenci’s full support. The aim of the campaign is to show concrete and successful alternatives to the industrial food production and distribution system.
Events could be organised throughout the week specifically for the campaign or, if you are already planning other events, the campaign could be linked in. Please use the following hashtags to earmark your videos on social media: #ourfood #nyeleni #17thApril #CSA. Videos should not exceed 2 minutes-length.
Stories can also be published in written media, radio, told at events or in any other way. We could upload images of your events in our YouTube channel, and on Urgenci’s website, Facebook (« Urgenci, Community Supported Agriculture around the World » page) and Twitter pages.our food
Send us your videos and tell us about events you will organise or stories you will publish in other media. Or simply get in touch with us with your suggestions. contact@urgenci.net
