URGENCI, the global movement of Community Supported Agriculture, is planning to revamp its visual identity in 2019!
This summer URGENCI is calling for proposals for a new logo, to replace the current one. The logo is a core part of one’s visual identity and meant to be used across a wide range of web and print materials.
Who is eligible to participate?
This call is open to anybody with a creative mind and an interest in helping the international movement of Community Supported Agriculture and Local Solidarity-based Partnerships for Agroecology (www.urgenci.net) to define an exciting new visual identity.
The contest is open to amateurs as well as to professional designers or design agencies and their employees.
The proposed fee by URGENCI for the selected logo artwork is 2,000€.
How to submit:
The call is open from June 2019, and will close on September 30th, 2019.
Late submissions will not be considered.
All entries must be submitted electronically via an email sent to contact@urgenci.net.
Submissions must include the full name(s) of the person(s) who designed the logo, name of affiliation (company, school…) and email address.
The logo artwork concept must be submitted in JPG or PDF format.
Logo Design Guidelines and Parameters
The logo design should reflect URGENCI’s commitment to the dissemination of Community Supported Agriculture and the mission of supporting Local and Solidarity-based Partnerships for Agroecology that our members practice on an everyday basis.
The logo should include the name of our network, “URGENCI”.
The logo must be appropriate for a professional setting.
It should be adapted to the wide range of cultures that make up the Urgenci membership.
The logo must be easy to use, handle, resize, and manipulate for all reproduction purposes. It should be visually appealing on both small and large scales.
Color must be CMYK.
Submissions must be the artist’s original work, not have been copied from others or from previous designs, and must not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity (including for the font).
Selection process of the Logo
Entries will be assessed on the basis of their visual appeal, adherence to the concept prompting the contest, quality of design, and ease of reproduction for the purposes stated above.
The winner of the selected logo artwork will be notified via email by the end of October 2019 the latest.
Following this notification, the designer can expect one or two further rounds of modifications to finalize the artwork.
For quality reproduction purposes, the finalized artwork will have to be sent in multiple versions:
1) the original design file,
2) a high-quality version in scalable vector graphic format (EPS),
3) in black and white,
4) without the text.
If the logo has been designed by an amateur, URGENCI reserves the right to hire a professional graphic artist to digitize the winning logo into a vector graphic format.
The logo will become the sole property of URGENCI and may be used for any purposes, including, but not limited to, display on websites, publications, letterhead, posters, and other materials. URGENCI shall have the right to adapt, edit, modify, or otherwise use the winning submission in part or in its entirety in whatever manner it deems appropriate in the future.