Organizers of the European « Be part of CSA ! » educational project met in Timisoara on November, 21st-23rd, hosted by the Romanian CRIES partner. They attend a three-day management meeting to assess the impact of the project led by their organizations in Hungary, Czech Republic and Romania and discussed about the outcomes of their collaboration on building a modular training programme designed especially for Community-Supported Agriculture members.
The project, coordinated by the Hungarian conscious consumers association TVE, is a success as in the three partner countries it appears clearly that training is a key issue to help structuring the CSA groups and networks. So people engaged in the training sessions (on 4 different modules) learned about CSA as a concept and practically how to start a CSA, develop their CSA further and get useful insights on how to improve this solidarity-based farmer-consumer partnership.
The main outcomes of this first step towards building educational resources for CSA communities at the European level are a “Be part of CSA” Booklet, together with a Trainers’ Guide (soon available), a short film and many content learners who found during these training sessions useful tools and experienced CSA mentors, inspiring trigger to engage! It is in the framework of this project that the 3rd European CSA meeting was organised last September in Ostrava (CZ) with Pro-Bio Liga.
CSA promoters from Germany, Poland and Italy also attended this meeting as with Urgenci the plan is now to expand this training impetus to new territories. And benefit from this consolidated and modular training curriculum to help strengthening the CSA movement in countries where the CSA community is still fledgling.
Albeit demanding working sessions, participants had good time in Timisoara: they attended a ASAT (Asociația pentru Susținerea Agriculturii Țărănești / Romanian CSA) delivery and enjoyed the home-made food cooked for them at Recipr
oc, a unique café which aim is to make locally-sourced and fair trade products accessible to many and to give job opportunity to disadvantaged persons.
There are many ways of being part of CSA and building mutual support and solidarity beyond borders for thriving communities. Let’s explore the possibilities!
Featured group picture is courtesy of Barbara Mayer, TVE.