What makes us better advocates?

Advocacy is one of the key actions in the Food Sovereignty movement as it enables us to get our messages out there, to mainstream agroecological thinking and to inform decision-makers so they can support better policies. But what makes a good advocate and what skills are needed?

This and other questions are at the centre of the SALSIFi project organised by 10 partner organisations from around Europe ( ASAT, AMAP IdF, AMPI, Deafal, GASAP, ICLEI, SoLaWi, TVE, Urgenci, Zambra).

The aim of the project is to create a course that will build the capacity for the participants to do better advocacy. It is organised into 4 modules: EU, National, Local and advocacy in the Eastern European context. The online courses will be available in Spring 2023 on the Urgenci Hub.

The project partners met twice in 2022 to learn from each other and share their expertise and prepare the course modules.  The course aims to empower advocates to

  • be effective communicators
  • be good storytellers
  • build interpersonal skills
  • know their facts
  • better collaborate

We’re looking forward to inviting you to join the course, either the whole or just one module next year! So watch  You can register your interest here to be informed first when the course opens or watch out on social media where we will announce it.


Project number 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080270








