National CSA Meeting in Norway

The most important event for CSAs in Norway is the national meeting organised by Organic Norway, coordinating the informal network of CSAs. In total 60 people were gathered for inspiration, updates, new knowledge and networking. In total 21 of the CSAs where represented, often with 2-3 persons from each CSA. Most Norwegian CSAs produce vegetables, but a few also have meat and dairy production. 4.300 shares were sold at Norwegian CSAs in 2018, with almost 9500 people eating from those shares.

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SolidBase Research Report on the Financial Sustainability of CSA

Within the frame of the SolidBase project on the financial sustainability of Community -Supported Agriculture, a research was conducted among the CSA movement, through an online questionnaire answered by 116 groups in Europe, a consumer questionnaire filled in by more than 320 respondents, and in-depth interviews with more than 40 CSA farmers. The result for the research is now available: SolidBaseResearch

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Access to Land and CSA: Struggles, Invention, Advocacy

Several members of URGENCI took part to the European Seminar on Access to Land, that was held 9th-13th September 2019 in Villarceaux, France. The seminar was organised as part of a European Union-funded project on Local Land Strategies. 90 participants from all corners of Europe from Ireland to Greece and from Spain to Ukraine had the opportunity to share their experience.

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URGENCI Bidding Round 2019

Following the decision made during URGENCIi’s 2018 General Assembly to amend our membership fee scheme, we are excited to let you know that the 2019 membership fee is now launched, with the new bidding model.

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Community Supported Agriculture and Climate Change

How does the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) contribute to the fight against global warming? Judith Hitchman, President of Urgenci, explains the role of Community Supported Agriculture and its benefits in mitigating our impact on the climate.

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URGENCI Hub for LSPA Training Materials: One Place to Find Them All

“Our hub combines all the functionalities of a resource centre for CSA members, CSA farmers and CSA trainers”, explains Zsofia Perenyi, URGENCI’s Special Expert on Education and one of the key persons behind the hub. “There are modular training curricula to follow, videos to watch, sample documents to be used in so-called “real life”, webinars to attend or to listen to, mentors to interact with, practical booklets to print for yourself and many many more… “.

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News from “How to financially plan your CSA” in Czech Republic

The second of the four test seminars foreseen in the European project “Solid Base – Financial Sustainability for Solidarity-Based Food System“ focused on how to plan CSAs financially. During this seminar, the discussion was on how we should be looking for new ways of supporting the financial self-sufficiency 
of solidarity food systems, including Community –Supported Agriculture (CSA).

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