New report “European CSA Overview” released by the European CSA research group!
The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) movement is being increasingly recognized for offering an alternative to the unsustainable industrial food system and thus as a concrete approach in the transition towards agroecology and food sovereignty. In the “European CSA Overview”, the European CSA Research Group combines the knowledge of actors from

FAO Regional Consultation with Civil Society in Antalya, Turkey
The FAO REgional Consultation with Civil Society took place in Antalya, Turkey, May 2-3. There were 4 members of Urgenci who tool part: Marius from the Romanian ASAT, Ceyhan from our Mediterranean network, Isa from Nekesarea, and myself. 4 civil society spokespeople were designated for the FAO Regional Conference. The

Intervention by La Via Campesina at the ‘30th FAO Regional Conference for Europe and Central Asia’, in Turkey
(Antalya Turkey, May 5, 2016) Adnan Çobanoğlu from the Confederation of Farmers’ Unions (ÇİFTÇİ-SEN), a member organization of La Via Campesina, made a few important interventions at the 30th FAO Regional Conference for Europe and Central Asia, being held in Antalya, Turkey. Here is the full text of his interventions. I

Ripess, Right to the City Platform and Habitat III
Public Spaces and Right to the City: Barcelona paves the way towards Habitat III RIPESS/Urgenci participation in the Right to the City Platform meeting and Habitat lll Consultation on Public Spaces in Barcelona 2-5th April 2016 At the Mexico City Habitat lll meeting, a session was dedicated to Social and

Preparations for the 3rd European Meeting on Community Supported Agriculture
This week the Urgenci Ostrava Steering Committee met to prepare the 3rd European Meeting on Community Supported Agriculture. The meeting is scheduled to take place 16th-18th September in the old steel and coal works in Ostrava, part of which have been amazingly renovated into a cultural and conference centre. We collectively managed to

Land for our food
A road movie produced by the Access to land partnership: The Land for our Food is a documentary movie produced by the Access to Land network and directed by Julio Molina. The video takes us on the journey of Gavin Bridger, a grower from the Community Supported Agriculture project of

Nutrition, the urgent task of the committee on food security
The Nutrition Group of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) took place in Rome between the 21st and 28th of February. It was the meeting of the so-called “Open-Ended Working Group” in which the Member States as well as the Civil Society Mechanism and the Private Sector all participated.

Struggles converge like tributaries of river
Representing more than 60 social movements and public interest civil society organizations, members and supporters of the Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition (GNRtFN), met in Dakar, providing international support to the West African Caravan for the Right to Land, Water and Seeds. Civil society groups from

The ISS meeting in The Hague and Wageningen Voedsel Anders
I first followed the ISS meeting in the Hague 2 years ago, scheduling time to watch the live streaming from home. It was an interesting and well-spent couple of days. When I spotted the call for papers this year in December, I submitted it to the International Committee, who overwhelmingly

HABITAT III preparatory thematic meeting Mexico City “Localizing finance for inclusive change”
At the recent HABITAT III preparatory thematic meeting Mexico City “Localizing finance for inclusive change”, Judith Hitchman had the honour of being invited by Carlos de Freitas of FMDV to represent both RIPESS and Urgenci ( It was a great pleasure to share the round table discussion with Yasy Morales

“No Right to Food without Women’s Rights”, United Nations, 8th of March, 2016.
A week ago, to celebrate the 8th of March, the International Women’s Day, I attended a side event at United Nations in Geneva organised by FIAN. It was called : “No Right to Food without Women’s Rights”. It was pretty impressive getting into the UN building, through the security checks.

Press release: the first Mediterranean LSP meeting
We are farmers, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) activists, organizers of farmers’ markets, agronomists, agroecologists, permaculture trainers, Food Sovereignty activists, civil society actors from 12 different countries the Mediterranean Basin. We are from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Croatia, France and Spain.