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Documentation sur les PLS



Of course, THE European CSA Handbook

& A Share in the harvest, the Soil Association CSA Action manual and all their « unbeatable » resources

The resources in this section will help you get the information and support you need to start up a CSA or develop your existing CSA further. You can browse our resources by category below:

MIRAMAP: the AMAP basics – http://miramap.org/-Fondements-des-AMAP-.html

  1. Concept & objectives
  2. What AMAP stand for
  3. The AMAP charter
  4. Where do the AMAP come from

MIRAMAP: the AMAP in practise

  1. To start up an AMAP
  2. The ethics of AMAP
  3. To be an AMAP farmer
  4. To run an AMAP
  5. PGS

Rhône-alpes : The AMAP farmer handbook & The « dissemination » handbook

Literatur from the Solawi network in Germany

community-supported agriculture: getting your share, by TVE (exists in magyar and french)


BÎRHALA Brîndusa & MÖLLERS Judith, « Community supported agriculture in Romania. Is it driven by economy or solidarity? », Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies Discussion Paper no. 144, 2014.
HITCHMAN Judith, « The Food and Agriculture Organisation and the Social and Solidarity -based Economy« , FAO background paper, January 2012.
SAGE Colin, « The Transition Movement and Food Sovereignty: from Local Resilience to Global Engagement in Food System Transformation »Journal of Consumer Culture, 3 April 2014.