Search Results for: be part of csa – Page 5

Give CSA Farmers a #SolidBase!

You are a CSA farmer? A CSA group facilitator? You want to share your challenges and your solutions on the finance for Urgenci? Your testimony is necessary! #SolidBase

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CSA beyond borders – Register now!

On 9-11 November 2018 the European Community-Supported Agriculture movements will gather in Thessaloniki, Greece, for their 4th European Meeting. The “CSA beyond borders” event will be expanded to include the 7th International CSA Symposium and the second

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CSAct! springs into action!

by Rachel Harries. Thirty farmers from nine different Europe countries gathered in northern Italy from 21-26 January 2018 for the first CSAct! training programme. The

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CSAct! “A Community-Supported Agriculture collaborative training programme”- 2016-2018 Urgenci and its partners promote CSA as a cross-border and context-sensitive concept rather than a unique model.

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