Farmers’ Protests in Europe: A Call for Food System Transitions.
[Caen, 14th March 2024] – In recent weeks a rise in farmers’ protests throughout Europe, signalling a crucial moment with potentially profound political ramifications. These movements, while somewhat diverse in their grievances, merge around some key demands, underscoring the urgent need for a meaningful food system transition. Farmers’ demands:

Citizens and Farmers’ mobilization in Paris
“It is important to share the word about the CSA movement, where so many experiences are conducted to answer the multiple agricultural crises: they are experimenting new price building techniques to guarantee a fair and stable price and to answer the call for more economic fairness, but they are also

The AYE! Project has successfully ended!
URGENCI and the AYE! (Agroecological Youth Education for Future) project partners, are proud to announce the successful conclusion of the project! The project started in 2021 and aimed to increase awareness about the environment and ecological literacy among young people by providing them with comprehensive solutions for sustainable environmental and

The story of CSA Green Radish!
We are continuing to share your #CSAStory with CSA Green Radish, the polish member of Zielona rzodkiewka! EN version: “As well as food, my CSA group also brings hope, because we can decide where our food comes from and have full confidence in its producers. By working directly with a

The story of CSA Flor do Cerrado!
We are starting the week with our first #CSAStory! 🌱 EN version: Dear all, good morning. Hope you are having an amazing day. We are CSA Flor do Cerrado, we’ve started in 2017 through a partnership between agroecological farmers with organic production in Serrinha do Paranoá, the NGO Associação Alternativa

A fair income for farmers, clear support for ecological transition! MIRAMAP Press Release
We are sharing the english translation of the latest press release by our member MIRAMAP – Mouvement Inter-Régional des AMAP. “Since January 18, farmers have been protesting to demand better working conditions and remuneration. The CSA movement lends its full support and solidarity to farmers in their mobilization. We believe

Farmers’ Mobilization: Network’s Analysis and Call to Action – AMAP IdF Press Release
We are sharing the english translation of the latest press release by our member Réseau des AMAP en Île-de-France. “The news is finally putting agriculture at the center of discussions. AMAP members, farmers in CSAs, supporters of the movement, the Network shares with you its analysis of the situation

CSA Day 2024: Concours d’écriture !
EN Au milieu des défis mondiaux et des incertitudes, les ASC / CSA / AMAP / GASAP et les PLSA (Partenariats locaux et solidaires pour l’Agroécologie) ont résistent, cultivant non seulement des récoltes, mais aussi l’espoir d’un avenir meilleur. À l’approche du #CSADay 2024, nous vous invitons à partager votre

Let’s Celebrate CSA Day! Call for Stories
FR: CSA Day: In the midst of global challenges and uncertainties, CSAs and LSPAs have stood resilient, cultivating not only crops but also hope for a better tomorrow. While we approach #CSADay 2024, we invite you to share your experience by telling us about your stories, journeys, and triumphs! Format:

AYE! event in Prague
On the 11th of December, we launched the “Journey to Green Horizons” comic, as well as the new board game Planet A, created during the project Agroecological Youth Education for Future (AYE!) at the beautiful Municipal Library in Prague’s Velký mlýn cultural centre. We shared the stories about agroecology written

Report of the 8th International Conference of La Via Campesina
Isabel Alvarez Vispo, URGENCI’s President. Español: Solas, a ninguna parte “Solas se puede ir más rápido, pero no llegaremos lejos”. Esta frase ha sido una de las más repetidas en la 8va Conferencia Internacional de La Vía Campesina en Bogotá. Prueba de ello, ha sido la presencia de alrededor

Reconstructing, Re-inventing: the Brazilian Congress of Agroecology
Jocelyn Parot, General Secretary of the international network URGENCI and Scientific Collaborator at the University of Giessen, The 12th Brazilian Agroecology Congress brought together over 5,000 activists in the centre of Rio de Janeiro on 20-23 November 2023. It had been four years since the last congress, and 20