Renewal of contracts in Ile-de-France AMAPs: understanding an unprecedented situation, a reflection of a society in health crisis
Image by Luca Bellini For several months now, members of AMAP’s and farmers in AMAP have been noticing that it is more difficult than usual to reach the number of contracts necessary to guarantee the sustainability of the farms. In order to better understand the situation, the first step is

Knowledge of Past Lives Can Illuminate Our Future
(Original article in Turkish by Oya Ayman, Member of the Strategy Board of the Bugday Association. The article: “Knowledge of past lives can illuminate our future ” was originally published in Yeşil Gazete.) A handful of people maintain a culture shaped in harmony with nature in hidden geographies. On the

What makes us better advocates?
Advocacy is one of the key actions in the Food Sovereignty movement as it enables us to get our messages out there, to mainstream agroecological thinking and to inform decision-makers so they can support better policies. But what makes a good advocate and what skills are needed? This and other

Summer School: Agroecology in Viseu, Mangualde and São Pedro do Sul
As part of the Caravan for Agroecology in Portugal, the Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems Summer School was organised by FCiências ID. in partnership with the Agrarian School of the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu and the Nova Acrópole Association, the summer school lasted from the 16 August to 19 August.

“Agroecology Boot Camp” event in Izmir
Within the scope of the Mediterranean Agroecology Caravan – MedCaravan Project, Wheat Association held an Introduction to Agroecology Camp in Karaburun, Izmir on 23-25 September 2022. The Mediterranean Agroecology Caravan – MedCaravan Project, which is carried out by Buğday Association in order to compile traditional agroecology knowledge and disseminate agroecology,

Story of the Strawberry King
19th – 23rd September 2022, Loutí, Czech Republic Organized by AMPI (Association of local food initiatives) How to teach children and young teenagers to really understand the whole story of one crop and at the same time let them understand deeper agroecological connections through enjoyable playtime? We decided to

What’s in Your Share? Call for Participation in a Study on the Content of CSA Shares
(Photo Credit: Sarka Krcilkova) (Also available as pdf) Background Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a partnership whereby the common goal of participating actors, members and producers is to embed the direct selling of local products into lasting human relationships. CSA partnerships are built around a common understanding of social challenges

Advocating for Agroecology: Webinar Recap!
On Thursday 13 October, the partners from the project “Caravan for Mediterranean Agroecology” hosted a webinar to discuss the value of advocating for agroecology in the Mediterranean region. Bringing in the Experts! Facilitated by Jocelyn Parot, the General-Secretary of URGENCI, the webinar brought three advocacy experts to share their experience.

Making Our Transition Narrative Heard in the Cacophony: How to Advocate for Agroecology in the Mediterranean context?
Join our next webinar, Thursday 13 October, 1800-1930 CEST (UTC+2) Languages: AR, EN, IT, PT, FR, ES Registration link: With experienced advocates from Croatia, Spain and Italy: Suncana Pesak (HSEP), Isabel Alvarez Vispo (URGENCI), Elisa D’Aloisio (Il Molinaccio al Rio Chiaro). This webinar is organized in the framework of

Knowledge Caravan Serbia: Preserve Knowledge and Create Innovations
The Knowledge Caravan Serbia attended the workshop “Preserving traditional knowledge and creating innovations” held 19th May 2022, we brought 12 participants to visit the regenerative agriculture project “Our Little Kingdom” in the village of Krčedin, 60 km away from Belgrade. The workshop started with the presentation of the E+ project

From Traditional to Modern Agriculture: Knowledge Caravan Serbia
The Knowledge Caravan Serbia arrived at the workshop “From Traditional to Modern Agriculture: How to work in Balance with Nature and Economy.” This workshop is a part of the Erasmus+ project and occurred on 3 July on the organic farm “Organela” located in the village of Valjevska Kamenica, 10 km

Agroecology in the Mediterranean Region: Soil Fertility and Water Management
On Thursday, 22 September, the partners from the project Mediterranean Caravan for Agroecology held a webinar titled “Soil Fertility and Water Management in the Mediterranean Region.” (See the replay of the session here! In addition to English, there are Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, and French replays as well.) The webinar brought