La nutrition ne doit pas être source de profit
Nutrition is not for profit: Second International Conference on Nutrition La Via Campesina and URGENCI, jointly with other Social movements, gathered in Rome on November 19-21, 2014, for the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), where Member States of FAO and WHO are discussing and adopting a framework for action on nutrition. This event, organised... Read More
REKO, la renaissance de la vente directe en Finlande
Etude de cas: REKO, un concept gagnant! Par Thomas Snellman, le paysan derrière les REKO de Finlande. REKO a, en un délai très court, connu une grande réussite pour rassembler des producteurs et des consommateurs, et a dans le même temps créé des réseaux et une logistique à l’échelle d’un territoire pour une alimentation produite... Read More
Document de travail sur le Plaidoyer et les circuits courts alimentaires
The emergence of social movements: Community Supported Agriculture, between Food Sovereignty and Solidarity Economy. The end of the 20th century can be characterised by the emergence of both extreme forms of globalisation of trade and of social movements. The spaces in which the latter emerged were not only the World Social Forum, but most specifically... Read More
Publications par des membres du groupe
En anglais Brunori G., A. Rossi and F. Guidi (2012). On the new social relations around and beyond food. Analysing consumers’ role and action in Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale (Solidarity Purchasing Groups). Sociologia Ruralis., 52 (1): 1-30. Brunori G., A. Rossi and V. Malandrin (2011). Co-producing transition: Innovation processes in farms adhering to Solidarity-based Purchase... Read More
Membres du groupe de recherche sur les PLS
Chiara Aurora Demaldè holds a PhD in Sociology of Food and Sustainability (Università Milano-Bicocca). She researched the consumption of sustainable food in the city of Milano, considering the importance of food choices in everyday life for sustainable development in urban systems. Her research topics are: communication, education and civic participation related to sustainable food behaviours;... Read More
Paysans en PLS/ASC: Croatie, juillet 2014
Croatian workshop started on the 17th of July with the meeting point in Kunstcafe Cvajner where everybody gathered before heading to dinner. The visiting part took place around central Istria where we begun our journey with local medicnal herm farm running by Komić familly. We went from Pula at 8:00h heading towards Vodnjan where we... Read More
Initiatives alimentaires associatives: Hongrie, Mai 2014
By: Zsofia Perényi The first visit of the LetSFS Grundtvig Learning Partnerships project was organised in Hungary by TVE. The programme focused on the management of community based food initiatives – including everyday management and also community building related topics. All together 19 participants came to the Hungarian workshop from the partner countries, including experienced... Read More
CSA Demetria au Brésil
CSA Demetria as a pioneer project for CSA Brasil By Johanna Abeln, Intern at Demetria CSA Farm, Brazil. The initiative for community‐supported agriculture exists now for about 3 years in Brazil. 12 km away from the city of Botucatu and 240 km away from the metropolis Sao Paulo the native born German Hermann Pohlmann initiated... Read More
Evolution des partenariats ASAT en Roumanie
Jocelyn Parot, “Evolution of ASAT partnerships in Romania, and the role of small-scale farmers and groups of urban consumers in strengthening the model”, August 2013. Report from the ASAT Workshop held during the Final Conference of the project „Models of Good Practice in the Social Inclusion Area”, in Timisoara, 16 May 2013. ASAT stands for Association to... Read More
Le Mouvement des CSA au Royaume-Uni
The CSA Movement in the UK, by Kirstin Glendinning, Member of the former International Committee of Urgenci – 2010. The CSA movement in the UK is led by the Soil Association, the UK’s largest organic certifying body and lobbying charity. Between 2002 -2005 the Soil Association ran a CSA development programme, called ‘Cultivating Communities’ resulting... Read More